Here is a little bit about me:
I am an associate research scientist working at NASA GSFC at Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics (614) lab and GESTAR II (Morgan State University). I have pursued research on a range of diverse topics, including:
- Inverse modeling/data Assimilation including LETKF, 3Dvar, analytical non-linear inversion, multi-sensor/multi-species
- Atmospheric modeling including simulations of atmospheric chemistry over southeast Texas, CONUS, East Asia, and Europe; dynamics of hurricane Harvey and severe weather such as heatwaves
- Idealized simulation such as 0-D chemical box modeling
- Tropospheric ozone: trend and sensitivity to meteorology and precursors
- Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) designed for upcoming satellites (e.g., MethaneSAT)
- Data analysis and retrievals/models validation
- Spatial heterogeneity modeling
Please check my CV or Research for specific studies that I have worked on.