Useful Link for Atmospheric Scientists

Some websites to visualize atmospheric data:

Gas, aerosols, models:

Note: you may need to register to have access to all data. You can visualize data in averaged maps, seasonal time series, anomaly maps, etc.

Note: Mostly useful for visually seeing fires/clouds/aerosol

Note: Some KNMI European products of NO2, HCHO, O3, etc.

Note: after the free registration, look for Sentinel-S5P NO2, HCHO, CO pictures

Note: NASA active fire maps

Note: great images and maps from NASA and other space agency instruments. Each image/map comes with a nice, inspiring text.

Note: This site will be the hub for all EPA data and actually has some visualization tools.

Note: Air quality data with forecast over the US

Weather models

NARR over the US:

NCEP over the globe:

Comprehensive datahub for geoscience: